Former comic artist creates small tattoos with adorable characters and scenes

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Istanbul-based artist Ahmet Cambaz designs tiny tattoos that are as skillfully created as as they are delightfully adorable. As a former cartoonist, Cambaz finds inspiration in illustration, applying the artistic techniques he learned during his drawing days to each piece of body art.

Rendered in delicate lines and featuring minimal color, each tiny tattoo offers an understated way to adorn the body. His quaint collection of art exhibits a range in subject matter, with huggable animals like puppies, penguins, and cats being his most revisited motifs. In addition to these cuddly creatures, stylized, cartoon-like people and scenes inspired by nature also feature heavily in his splendid portfolio, which he shares on Instagram.

Following his role as a caricature artist, Cambaz began to dabble in body art when he was 29 years old. At first, he attempted to alter his aesthetic, experimenting with different approaches to tattooing. However, he soon realized that these changes were not necessary. “When I started to design tattoos, I tried to work in different styles using various methods, but I didn’t feel comfortable because I was not that person. It wasn’t me,” he tells Creators. “So I decided to go on and develop my work and create the kind of tattoos that I like.” Thanks to this realization, Cambaz continues to create works that showcase the overlooked art of simplicity.

Artist Ahmet Cambaz creates sweet and simple tattoos inspired by illustration and cartoons.

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Cute Small Tattoos Simple Tattoos Illustration Ahmet Cambaz

Ahmet Cambaz: Instagramh/t: [Design Taxi, Creators]

All images via Ahmet Cambaz.

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