Get A Watercolor Tattoo For Creative Expression, Since Your Accounting Job Isn’t Cutting It

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If you’re thinking about getting a new tattoo, there are lots of styles to choose from. One trend that’s become increasingly popular is the watercolor tattoo. The painterly style and delicate colors make the ink look super artsy, so you can give your nose ring a rest once in a while.

In a watercolor tattoo, the colors bleed and blend together to make it look like…you guessed it, watercolors on a canvas. Typically, tattoo artists use bright, primary colors like blues, reds, and greens. The lines aren’t precise, and have a bit of a sketch-like effect to them.

Watercolor Tattoo

From animal ink featuring lions and dogs to abstract art to nature scenes, this style is a great choice for your next tat. Check out some of our favorite designs and then book your appointment before you think too hard about the whole needle thing.

1. Dog Watercolor Tattoo

Pay tribute to your best friend with a tattoo of them right over your heart. It’s a not-so-subtle way to let your Tinder dates know that your heart is already taken by a guy with four paws. Or maybe three! Just not two, with a mouth that keeps blabbing about Tesla stock.

Watercolor Tattoo - dog
Photo Credit: @miss_pank

2. Dragon with Flowers Tattoo

You’ve read the book: “The Girl with the Watercolor Dragon Tattoo.” Right? Now it’s time to get a permanent ode to it etched into your body.

Watercolor Tattoo - dragon
Photo Credit: @baltapaprocki

3. Watercolor Outer Space Tattoo

If the number one feedback you get on monthly performance reviews at work is, “get your head out of the clouds,” this might just be the watercolor tattoo for you. And probably a job that’s more interesting to you.

Watercolor Tattoo - universe in someone's mind
Photo Credit: @bishal_wizard

4. Dragonfly Tattoo

Dragonflies symbolize growth and change, so this blue and pink watercolor tattoo might have a deeper meaning for you than just looking pretty. For us, it represents our growth from just one Taco Bell visit weekly to three. #Blessed

Watercolor Tattoo - dragonfly
Photo Credit: @marcucho32

5. Disney Watercolor Tattoo

This tattoo looks like it came straight out of a Disney animator’s sketchbook. You know, before they cut the part in the movie where the chef turns into a mermaid.

Watercolor Tattoo - Ratatouille
Photo Credit: @baltapaprocki

6. Mermaid Constellation Tattoo

This ink is a Pisces‘ dream. Between the mermaid tail, Zodiac symbol, and the constellation, you just need to add water to make this ink perfect for anyone with that astrology sign. And by “water,” we mean “tears.”

Watercolor Tattoo - constellation mermaid tail
Photo Credit: @xieyufei2046

7. Watercolor Turtles Tattoo

The effects of global warming have officially gone too far. But also, can you point us to the island with pretty pink water?

Watercolor Tattoo - turtles
Photo Credit: @sebastian_enemy

8. Lion Watercolor Tattoo

His eyes say, “take one more step and I’ll kill you.” But his fur says “pet me.” If not friend, why friend-shaped?

Watercolor Tattoo - lion with flowers
Photo Credit: @lucasamaraltattoo

9. Cherry Blossom Back Tattoo

A full back piece is a stunning, but bold move. It says, “I don’t care if you stare at the nape of my neck during a meeting trying to figure out if I’m bleeding, or if that’s a hickey.” We respect anyone with a non-conformist streak.

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10. Video Game Watercolor Tattoos

All we know is that we’re coming over to your place later, and we’re bringing pizza bagels.

Watercolor Tattoo - video game consoles
Photo Credit: @baltapaprocki

11. Sailboat Watercolor Tattoo

Riding off into the sunset isn’t nearly as romantic as riding off into some dude’s armpit. Especially if he’s wearing Axe body spray.

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12. Watercolor Compass Tattoo

So what if a compass tattoo is only accurate 25 percent of the time? It’s better than our mental compass, which is currently operating at a 10 percent rate. We walked into a lake yesterday on our way home from work.

Watercolor Tattoo - compass
Photo Credit: @miamitattooandcomidtown

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