Spiritual Tattoo: 20 Ideas And Their Meanings + Stunning Examples

If you are reading this you are probably looking for a spiritual tattoo just like me.

I am 25 now and have no tattoos so far, have also never seriously thought about getting one. But the current transit of the lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio pushes especially people with these planets into the right karmic direction! Therefore, get ready for positive strokes of fate in the next months until July 2023!

As a double Scorpio, I feel this universal energy and feel a strong desire for change. I want a spiritual tattoo that perpetuates my approach to life on my body. So I started looking for inspiration.

Today I’ll show you 20 ideas for spiritual tattoos, that I loved and that you’ll probably love too!


#2 spiritual Snake Tattoo

The snake is a primal symbol, in almost all cultures it plays a major role in myths and traditions.

There are very few symbols that are so interpretative and versatile and have such a range of polyvalent meanings.

Thus, on the one hand, the snake meant life, renewal, rejuvenation, shedding, resurrection, andon the other hand death, poison and destruction. It symbolized the creative power of the earth. It wasthe companion of the Great Mother, mysterious like her, enigmatic, intuitive, an uncontrollable,unlimited, inexhaustible life force.

The snake is also connected to the underworld, had access to magic power and healing knowledge, was a symbol of power and wisdom and embodied the female logos, the wise word.

#3 Angel Numbers tattoo

Our angels always find new ways to contact us and remind us of their presence.

It is quite possible that you have repeatedly seen certain sequences of numbers in your life – on license plates, receipts, flight numbers, and of course on your phone – and these numbers are not just numbers, they are angel numbers.

They are angelic messages and calls to action.

Each angel number has a specific spiritual meaning that you can immortalize as a tattoo. This is a beautiful way to always remind you of your divine guidance.


#4 Chakras tattoo

Chakra refers to the connection points between the body and the astral body (energy body, invisible shell) of the human being.

Each of the seven major chakras vibrates in a basic color and is connected with certain organs and areas of the body.

The lower chakras, whose energies vibrate more slowly, are associated with the basic needs and emotions of the human being.

The finer energies of the upper chakras correspond to the higher mental and spiritual abilities of man. Our development as a person depends on our correct functioning.

spiritual tattoo
spiritual tattooo

Even the Egyptians looked up to the stars when it came to fate, and believed that the stars on the day of birth determine the life but also the character. A zodiac tattoo embodies your characteristics and strengths and is the perfect choice for a spiritual tattoo if you have a deep connection to your zodiac sign.

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spiritual tattoo

spiritual tattoo

#9 Spirit Animal tattoo

Spirit animals come from the shamanic tradition. They are personal companions in a spiritual sense and appear in animal form. They are considered guardians of a person, give them strength and accompany them on their paths.

A spirit animal can also appear in difficult situations or phases of life and support, advise and strengthen their protégé in this time.

spiritual tattoo

>>>Read my blog post about your spirit animal according to your zodiac sign <<<

#10 Goddess Tattoo

With a spiritual goddess tattoo, you can express your connection to your feminine energy and inner goddess.

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spiritual tattoo

#15 Spiritual Quote tattoo

Is there any spiritual quote that really reflects your spirituality and beliefs? Then you could use your spiritual quote for a tattoo!

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spiritual tattoo

#16 Universe tattoo

Since the beginning of time, the universe has been a source of fascination for humans. Whether you believe in astrology or believe that we are all connected to the energies of the cosmos, a spiritual universe tattoo could suit you!

#17 spiritual Moon tattoo

A moon tattoo can have many meanings, depending on how the tattoo ends up looking or what phase of the moon it represents.

In astrology, the moon is called the mirror to the soul and it represents fertility, romance and the female cycle.

The moon also plays an important role in Greek mythology: the three moon goddesses Hekate, Selene and Artemis reflect the three phases of the moon (waxing moon, full moon, waning moon) and thus a fulfillment and passing.

#19 Mindfulness and Meditation tattoo

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#20 Witchy Tattoo

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spiritual tattoo
spiritual tattoo

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