Amazing Tattoos Look Just Like Holographic Stickers Stuck to Skin

Holographic Sticker Tattoo by Clayton Davis

When is a sticker not a sticker? When it’s a tattoo! Tattoo artist Clayton Dias will make you do a double-take with his holographic-inspired designs. He creates body art that has the metallic shimmer of a real sticker, complete with the vertical highlights and rainbow array of colors as it captures the light. Sometimes, it appears as though the tattoo is peeling from the skin which only adds to the amazing illusions within Dias’ work.

Dias gradually worked towards holographic tattoos, a take on a larger sticker trend in the body art world. His earlier stickers, while having a three-dimensional feel, didn’t have the metallic appeal that his newer pieces do. His holographic style was the result of careful observation.

“The ideas came from a study of colors that I decided to apply in the form of a holographic drawing,” he tells My Modern Met. “In this style, it differs a lot from the technique I already used, it’s been very good to innovate something. A holographic tattoo requires good technique in applying colors.” He’s continuing to improve his practice. “I’m still studying more about different arts in holographic [technique].”

Scroll down to see Dias’ incredible tattoos. You’ll find that while he specializes in characters in popular culture, anyone and anything makes a great “sticker.”

Tattoo artist Clayton Dias inks body art that looks exactly like a holographic sticker.

Bart Simpson Tattoo That Looks Like a Sticker

Holographic Sticker Tattoo by Clayton Davis

Holographic Sticker Tattoo by Clayton Davis

Holographic Sticker Tattoo by Clayton Davis

Holographic Sticker Tattoo by Clayton Davis

Holographic Sticker Tattoo by Clayton Davis

Holographic Sticker Tattoo by Clayton Davis

Holographic Sticker Tattoo by Clayton Davis

Clayton Dias: Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Clayton Dias. 

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